
Fiendfyre consists of two lines of fire that are placed across the field and are obstacles during the game. The two lines are each 5 spaces long, and consist of one that is diagonally up to the right and one that is diagonally down to the right. Fiendfyre cannot “cross streams” (have any of their spaces overlap).

Characters and Beasts cannot move through Fiendfyre (although other Beast’s spheres of influence can cross of lines of Fiendfyre, just not the centre space that they occupy) – conversely, Fiendfyre cannot move through characters, balls on the ground or other Beasts. While Fiendfyre can be used as an obstacle, it cannot box in any character, ball or Beast (giving it no way to escape). Passes and shots can be made over Fiendfyre.

Fiendfyre remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be moved every turn.