Order 666

A play to celebrate human sacrifice. In this play, five members of the team stand in a sacrificial circle around one Chaser.

Character Requirements:    6 characters (this can include the Seeker if desired)
(The Chaser/Keeper with the Quaffle may be in any space. Only a Chaser/Keeper may be in the centre space)
Ball Requirements: Quaffle
Field Markings:  Red

Once the play has been activated, the attacking team receives:

  • +2 Strength to the Chaser/Keeper in the middle space
  • +2 Agility to the Chaser/Keeper in the middle space
  • +2 Accuracy to the Chaser/Keeper in the middle space
  • +2 Speed to the Chaser/Keeper in the middle space

In addition, the Chaser in the middle space who is the sacrifice must return to hoops but is reborn with all these good stats.