Swiss Chalet Festive Special

Note: the Swiss Chalet Festive Special is only currently designed for use with the Festive Formation expansion introduced in Season 3 and Festive Formations 2 in Season 13.

Each game, a team has two chances to use the Swiss Chalet Festive Special. The Swiss Chalet Festive Special is a unique Z-move exclusive to this expansion (no other Z-moves are to be used). The Swiss Chalet Festive Special MUST be referred to as the Swiss Chalet Festive Special at all times.

The Swiss Chalet Festive Special can be used to freely move one character directly onto an open space required to complete a play. This must be used to complete the formation (it must move the last character required for the play, after which time the play is activated).

When the Swiss Chalet Festive Special is used, you will roll 1d12 when attempting to score.

The Swiss Chalet Festive Special must either be used at the beginning of a team’s turn (BEFORE rolling 3d6) or at the end of your team’s turn (BEFORE rolling 1d6 for the Seeker). This must be announced clearly; once rolling the 3d6 for movement or 1d6 for the Seeker has been rolled, a team has missed their opportunity to use the Swiss Chalet Festive Special on that turn.

If used at the beginning of the turn, all players who were involved in the play being used cannot move following the play for the rest of their turn.

If used at the end of the turn, all players who were involved in the play being used cannot move on their next turn.