
  • Introduced new features with the Defence Against the Dank Arts expansion
    • Spells: spells can be used to attack opposing players with varying effects, with energy to use these spells being generated at the end of each turn
    • Candy Grams: advantages this season will be known as Candy Grams (previously referred to as Stocking Stuffers)
  • Added rules regarding Chaos Games and how different expansions interact when used at the same time
  • Overhauled tackles and beats when Beaters are involved:
    • A beater with a bludger cannot drop the ball they have in order to tackle for another ball. They must either pass, yeet or shoot their existing bludger before attempting to tackle for the second
    • If an attempted beat against a beater fails and that beater is not in possession of a Bludger, the beater now catches the bludger instead of it missing. Caught Bludgers cannot be immediately tackled away on the same turn
    • Opportunity beats can now be used against beaters
  • Balls may not be yeeted zero spaces (at a player’s feet)
  • Any opportunity attacks must be made immediately when the opposing character enters the adjacent space
  • Following round 25, the Snitch will not roll 1d4 for movement; instead, it will move 3 spaces until round 30 when it does not move at all.