
At the end of round 3, two Gnomes are placed on the field. However each turn, two additional gnomes are placed onto the field – they must be placed on an open space adjacent to an existing gnome. Gnomes move 3 spaces each turn, however on your turn you may only move 2 of the Gnomes. Gnomes cannot stand on balls and balls cannot land on a space with a gnome. Balls can be passed or shot over a gnome.

Gnomes act as an obstacle that must be moved around by characters on both teams. Gnomes can only be removed from the field by being tossed off the field. Characters can only toss a Gnome that they are adjacent to – characters roll for strength against the Gnome who rolls 1d8. A Gnome can only be tossed if there are 3 or more Gnomes currently on the field. A character holding a ball is able to throw a gnome. You cannot critically fail against a gnome.

You may only toss one Gnome off the field per turn – if your attempted toss is unsuccessful, you may attempt to toss the same Gnome again with a different character. Both teams may toss Gnomes off the field if desired.

Gnomes remain in play until the Snitch is caught or they are tossed off the field, and may be used every turn.

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