
The Sphinx has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

Any character on either team that enters the sphere of influence could increase one of their stats by 1 if they correctly answer a riddle. If they can answer the riddle correctly, they will receive +1 to that stat.

The team controlling the Sphinx may choose what stat they would like to gain when answering the Sphinx’s riddles, while the opposing team will receive a randomly determined stat. Each character may only use the Sphinx twice in a single game – the team controlling the Sphinx may not choose the same stat both times a character uses the Sphinx.

Players without their camera on will be required to constantly ping on the field while the question is being asked until they either answer or time runs out. Players with their cameras on will be required to have their hands visible and not typing. Solo teams will have 25 seconds to answer, while doubles teams with 2 players will have 20 seconds.

The Sphinx remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.