
The Troll has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

Each turn, the Troll throws a rock onto the field – you may pick the direction from the Troll you wish to throw the rock, and roll 1d6 to determine the distance. The space the rock lands in becomes covered in a rocky tile and cannot be moved through by any character or beast and balls cannot be thrown through the space. In the event that the rock would land on a character, beast or ball, it breaks on impact. If the rock would be thrown off the field, it lands on the last space before the edge of the field. If the rock lands on an existing rocky tile, both rocks break and are removed from the field. Rocky tiles placed by the troll cannot trap a character, beast, or ball. Rocks cannot be thrown into the Keeper Zone.

Rocky tiles remain on the field for the remainder of the game. The Troll may break a rocky tile by standing adjacent to it (removing it from the field), but can only remove one rocky tile per turn and cannot remove the rocky tile it just created on the same turn. Beasts’ spheres of influence may not cover any rocky tiles.

Any character that enters the Troll’s sphere of influence must roll for agility against the Troll, who rolls 1d10. Any character who fails must return to their hoops. Any character who succeeds is immune from the Troll until the end of their next turn.

The Troll remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.