Series 2 Regulations

Series 2 continues the cluster-based tournament format with several significant changes from Series 1:


Each individual player will again choose their own team during sign-up (there will be no doubles teams sign-up). You can still play with a partner, however you will be scheduled independently (it will be up to players to connect with a prospective partner to join them to play individual games). Final decisions for team decisions lie with the individual player who manages that team.

In the event that a player cannot make their scheduled game time, it is up to them to coordinate with their cluster to arrange for another player to take their place.


All Series 2 games will be played as games of 4-Way Quidditch. Similar to Series 1, the theme will change every 2-weeks, with the following rule adjustments to accommodate being played on a 4-Way Quidditch field (note that not every expansion listed below will be used during Series 2):


  • When using Blizzard Beater, you will select one opposing team to target

Magical Beasts:

  • Magical Beasts will enter the field at the end of round 1 instead of round 3
  • If a character is apparated to receive a ball after being scored on, that character is immune from the negative effects of all beasts until the end of their next turn
  • The following beasts are banned when using the Magical Beasts expansions:
    • Chinese Fireball (oOoOoOoOoOoh)
    • Giant Squid
    • Portable Swamp
    • Thestrals
    • Whomping Willow
    • Erumpent
    • Thunderbird
  • The following beasts are altered as follows:
    • Cornish Pixies: all of the balls will be randomized using 2d16 (Quaffles) and 5d8 (Bludgers)
    • Centaurs: the distance between Centaurs is increased to a maximum of 7 spaces in between
    • Chizpurfle: any opposing characters in the sphere of influence of the Chizpurfle will receive -3 accuracy while there
    • Unicorn: if you choose to murder the Unicorn, this must be done prior to the end of round 5

Defence Against the Dank Arts:

  • Spell energy will not accumulate each turn; instead, teams may choose to sacrifice one of their 4d8 to cast a spell (the spell cast must MATCH the sacrificed d8)
  • Spells may only be cast on odd numbered turns
  • Each team will have 2 Protegos to use per game
  • Each team may only cast Avada Kedavra successfully once per game
  • Only one character on each team may be killed

Rune Tycoon:

  • Runes collected during the Series can be used by the rest of your cluster in following Rune Tycoon games in the same Series
  • There will be 50% more runes hidden on the field
  • The Rune of Endurance will result in rolling 3d8+1d10 for movement instead of 4d8
  • The Rune of Balance moves your Chasers up to the front of your quadrant (on one of the centre lines)
  • The Rune of Necessity is not required to search for runes

Elixirs & Things

  • Elixirs will only be given out for games using this expansion (2 per game)
  • There can be 2 Monster Books in play at the same time. If another Monster Book is put into play (the player using the new Monster Book may choose which previous Beast to remove)
  • Clankers can only remove 1 beast from the field (the player using the Clanker may choose which one to remove)
  • The beasts banned when using the Magical Beasts expansions are NOT banned for use with the Elixirs & Things expansion (with the exception of the Thestrals, which remain banned)

Buddy Bonuses:

  • The following adjustments are made to the abilities of Buddy Pairs:
    • The Henchmen: applies if one of your 4d8 is an 8
    • The Squib and his Cat: cannot be used if Argus Filch or Mrs. Norris are not in a straight line from their own hoops
    • The Knight Bus: the portal spaces are at the corners of the field (horizontally)
  • The following adjustment are made to the Class Bonuses:
    • Muggle/Squib Class: a straight only needs to be 3 in a row, and you roll an additional d8 for movement
    • Working Class: applies whenever 2 of your 4d8 are 1s (and/or 2s), and you roll an additional d8 for movement

Colour Wars:

  • At the end of round 3 and every 3 rounds after that, each team unlocks a new skill for their animagus
  • Second Skin rerolls 1/2/3 of your 4d8 for the Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 skills respectively
  • Infestation can be used to select a different hoop at the end of every 3 rounds

Hoops & Loops:

  • There will only be 2 opening rounds, with 3 TRPs set per turn
  • Opening rounds will use 5d8 for movement


There will be NO Draft Pick. Instead, each team will be pre-built, with each team receiving identical stat totals (each team will have one character with +1 in a random stat). Team rosters will be shared only after the sign-up deadline. Each team will consist of 7 characters. For Series 2, there will only be one pre-built team per cluster.


Clusters will play in 2 competitive games per week. Only a cluster’s best performance each week will count towards their Series ranking. The Series Ranking will be calculated with the following points awarded for each placement per game:

  • 1st Place: 4 points
  • 2nd Place: 3 points
  • 3rd Place: 2 points
  • 4th Place: 1 point

In the event that any game ends in a tie for any position, the priority will be given to whichever team(s) caught the Snitch. If two teams involved in the tie caught the Snitch, they both receive points for the higher placement.


October 1Team sign-up deadline (individual)
October 2Team Rosters and Clusters Announced
October – December2 Games per Week

Series 2 will last ~12 weeks, with the expansion being used changing every few weeks. Depending on the number of players and clusters, each player will likely play a competitive game once every 2 weeks, giving each player the chance to play in each expansion’s rotation. You will be notified prior to your game which expansion will be used. The final weeks of the Series will be dedicated for a condensed Quidlympics which will contribute towards your cluster’s place in the Series Ranking.


For Series 2, all games will have a 7:30 PM ET start time. Each week’s poll for scheduling will ONLY include the days set for games in that week. This poll will be distributed on the Tuesday of the week prior, with players expected to complete the poll by the Friday. Players are still strongly encouraged to indicate their maximum availability on these polls. With the cluster format, each team does not need to play a set amount of competitive games, but each cluster does. Those that do not provide their availability may not be scheduled to play in a given week.


For Series 2, teams will only receive 2 elixirs during games that use the Elixirs & Things expansion.


Sign up below and provide your availability for the first week of games. Remember that the deadline for both sign-up and availability is October 1st.