Series 3 Regulations

Series 3 continues the cluster-based tournament format with several significant changes from Series 1 & 2:


Each individual player will again choose their own team name during sign-up (there will be no doubles teams sign-up). You can still play with a partner, however you will be scheduled independently (it will be up to players to connect with a prospective partner to join them to play individual games). Final decisions for team decisions lie with the individual player who manages that team.

For Series 3, there will ONLY be 2 clusters. In the event that a player cannot make their scheduled game time, it is up to them to coordinate with their cluster to arrange for another player to take their place.


All games will return to standard VQL games consisting of 2 teams (1v1). In general, every game will use the base ruleset (no expansions, unless otherwise noted) with a different “gimmick” being used each week. A gimmick will typically fundamentally alter a specific aspect of the game or an element of an expansion for both games during that week. Examples of potential gimmicks include:

  • There are 3 Quaffles and 1 Bludger on the field
  • The Field is Colour (everywhere a character ends their movement becomes occupied by that team’s colour for the rest of the game)
  • Cool Beans can be found in Mystery Boxes (in addition to standard Things)

A different gimmick will be randomly determined each week, and will be announced (alongside any relevant rule considerations) prior to the games occurring that week. It is important that players read these brief rule considerations prior to their game.


The Series Ranking will be calculated by adding a Clusters’ Series Points and Quest Points (read below).

Series Points will be calculated simply by number of games won/lost per each cluster, with special consideration taken for games that end in overtime:

  • Each win is worth 2 points
  • Each overtime loss is worth 1 point
  • Each loss is worth 0 points

If necessary, an additional modifier will be added to a cluster’s ranked score that includes their overall point differential. This point differential will only be used in breaking a tie between ranked scores taken from the points accumulated through a team’s win/loss record (therefore a cluster with a lower win/loss record cannot overtake a cluster with a higher win/loss record by having a significantly higher point differential, which could be the result of as little as one unevenly matched game).


In addition to Series Points being awarded to clusters based on the number of games won, Quest Points will be awarded to clusters who are able to meet the requirements of different quests in a given week.

Each week will feature 3 quests of varying levels of difficulty, which will be announced prior to that week’s games. Level 1 (⭐) quests are the easiest and award 1 Quest Point for completion, while Level 2 (⭐⭐) and Level 3 (⭐⭐⭐) quests will be more challenging and award 2 and 3 Quest Points respectively for completion. Examples could include: scoring a hat trick, successfully beating 5 characters in a row (without losing the ball), or scoring from the centre line. Clusters may only receive Quest Points for each quest once per week, and progress does carry over between games in that same week (depending on the quest).

Note: Quests will be specifically worded to indicate the exact requirements needed for completion; this could mean that some must be completed all within the same game or if some quests can only be completed by the first team to do so in a game. Be sure to read the quest requirements carefully to avoid confusion and disappointment.


There will be NO Draft Pick. Instead, each team will be pre-built, with each team receiving identical stat totals (each team will have one character with +1 in a random stat). Team rosters will be shared only after the sign-up deadline. Each team will consist of 7 characters. For Series 3, there will only be one pre-built team per cluster.


January 13Team sign-up deadline (individual)
January 14Team Rosters and Clusters Announced
January – April2 Games per Week

Series 3 will last ~12 weeks, with the expansion being used changing every few weeks. Depending on the number of players and clusters, each player will likely play a competitive game once every 2-3 weeks. You will be notified prior to your game which expansion will be used. The final weeks of the Series will be dedicated for a condensed Quidlympics which will contribute towards your cluster’s place in the Series Ranking.


For Series 3, all games will continue to have a 7:30 PM ET start time. Each week’s poll for scheduling will ONLY include the days set for games in that week. This poll will be distributed on the Tuesday of the week prior, with players expected to complete the poll by the Friday. Players are still strongly encouraged to indicate their maximum availability on these polls. With the cluster format, each team does not need to play a set amount of competitive games, but each cluster does. Those that do not provide their availability may not be scheduled to play in a given week.


Sign up below and provide your availability for the first week of games. Remember that the deadline for both sign-up and availability is January 13.