Series 3 – Week 10

Gimmick: Ground Whackitu

There will be a Whackitu on the field that moves 3 spaces in between each player’s turn and always towards the Quaffle. Whackitu will immediately attack anyone in its sphere of influence who is in possession of a ball or standing on a ball.

Ground Whackitu also has additional mechanics for this gimmick:

  • If a ball is passed through Whackitu’s sphere of influence, you must roll equal to or higher than the number of spaces in between the characters passing the ball – if you fail, the ball will land on Whackitu’s hook
  • Any loose balls that land in or travel through Whackitu’s sphere of influence go straight to his hook
  • Any ball attached to Whackitu’s hook will move with Whackitu when it moves
  • If Whackitu has a ball on its hook and becomes adjacent to any character while he is moving (even those without a ball), it will attempt to beat them. A missed beat will overshoot as normal.
  • Whackitu can enter both Keeper Zones and whack the Keeper in their own Keeper Zone

In addition, there is no yeeting.


Clusters will be awarded Quest Points for successfully completing the following quests this week:

Be the first team to stun Whackitu 3 times.
⭐⭐Get whacked by Whackitu 10 times.
⭐⭐⭐Beat 2 characters with the same Beater without moving.