Colour Wars

Colour Wars is an expansion that adds animagi to the game and involves teams blocking off spaces on the field with colour. The animagi act as support for your team with different skills that can be learned as the game progresses and also claim spaces as they move.


At the beginning of the season, your team will take a quiz which will determine your animagus for the season! Click here to take the animagus quiz (note that ONLY your first submission for the quiz will count for your team, so doubles teams should coordinate before completing the quiz).

This animagus serves as a supporting character for your team, and starts the game along the hoop line with the rest of your team. Each turn, they may move 3 spaces (must be moved prior to rolling for the Seeker), and can enter both Keeper Zones. Unlike the characters on your team, your animagus may move through spaces that have been claimed by the opposing team – moving through a space claimed by the opposing team with your animagus erases their claim to that space.

Click below to learn about the six different animagi: