Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to have seen/read Harry Potter to play?

Do I need to know how to play Quidditch?
Nope! The game is based off of Muggle Quidditch, but it’s easy to learn, so don’t fret if you’ve never played.

How much of a commitment is this?
Not a very big one. You’ll probably never play more than once a week, and a season lasts about two months. (Of course, if you want more of a commitment, feel free to spectate other games! Always a good time!)

Is there a cost?
Nope! Like Dobby, this is free.

When are games?
Most games take place at 7:00pm EST (and last around 2 hours), but we can start a bit later or earlier if you need us to. We’re flexible and only schedule games when you’re available.

Do I need to be in university to play?
Nope! All are welcome!

Do I need a partner?
Nope. We do have some solo players. Though if you want a partner and don’t know anyone, we’ll match you up! The more the merrier!

What technology do I need to play?
A computer with a mic (can be built into the computer, doesn’t need to be external). The game is played on Roll20 (accounts are free) and we use Google Meet to chat. Any general communication and news is posted to the Facebook group and Discord server.

Can I just see what it’s about before I commit?
Sure. We have recorded games on YouTube for you to watch, and you’re always welcome to come spectate a live game too if you want.

What changes between seasons?
For each tournament season, there’s a theme. Season 1 had Z-moves. Season 2’s theme was Magical Beasts (as seen on YouTube). Season 3 included Festive Formations and ice. Season 4 features spells in Defence Against the Dank Arts. We like to keep gameplay spicy.