Fast & Furious: Hogwarts Drift

Fast & Furious: Hogwarts Drift is an expansion that involves fast decision-making and adds Time Turners to the game. It also introduces betting on games, which will allow teams to earn additional currency for use in the current and future seasons.

Each team will start the game with a timer that counts down when it is their turn. When a team’s countdown timer reaches zero:

  • Two characters on that team are randomly selected using 2d6 and apparated across the field (the Seeker cannot be apparated). Any characters in possession of a ball when apparated drop it before they are apparated. In addition, whichever Chaser or Keeper is either in possession of the Quaffle or closest to the Quaffle MUST be apparated.
  • The Quaffle goes to the nearest opposing Chaser or Keeper.
  • The team’s turn immediately ends, including Seeker movement.
  • Both teams’ timers are reset to their starting values and play continues.


Teams will be able to bet on the outcome of each game in the season using their available currency (which can also be earned through regular gameplay).

Click below for all bets related to the current season’s games, including a current listing of all bets placed and a table including the total amounts bet on each team for each game and the total prize pot associated with each team.

Time Turner

During the game, each team has two opportunities to use a Time Tuner (which differs from the Time Turners used with the Hoops & Loops expansion). Using a Time Turner pauses a team’s timer for 1-minute for doubles teams and 30 seconds for solo teams. If the opposing team’s timer reaches 0 while the Time Turner is in effect, the additional time remaining on the Time Turner is carried over when the timers are reset to their starting values.  Only one Time Turner may be in use at a time (between both teams). Time Turners can only be…

Expansion Rules