Hoops & Loops

Hoops & Loops adds a time loop mechanic to the game through the use of Time Turners (not related to the Time Turners used in Fast and Furious: Hogwarts Drift). Each character will be assigned a jersey number 1 through 9 which will determine which character is affected by Time Turners, causing them to be reverted back to a specific point on the field where they previously stood in the opening rounds (Temporal Reset Point – or TRP).

For this season only, whiz-bangs will not result in their usual effects – instead they will cause characters to revert to their TRP. In addition, teams will be able to bring in up to 10 things per game, however if they chose to bring more than 5, that overage must be made up of whiz-bangs.

At the beginning of each turn, a card will be flipped that will specify instructions to either follow at the beginning or end of the turn. It will either be a Time Turner card (instructing a player to return to their TRP) or a Bonus Action card. Some example cards are outlined below:

Expansion Rules