
Z-Moves are powerful bonus actions that you can perform up to twice per game*. There are several Z-Moves to choose from, however you cannot use one more than once in the same game. Read below to learn about each of the Z-Moves:

Ol’ Switcheroo

A random move that swaps the roles (positions) of two characters on your team. On your turn, select one character that you would like to swap roles. 1d6 is then rolled to select the other character. These two characters swap their roles (i.e. Seeker becomes a Chaser and vice versa, Beater becomes a Keeper and…

Vanishing Cabinets

Two magical cabinets allow two characters on your team to swap places on the field (not including your Seeker). Select two of your own characters on the field and swap their places on the field. A character holding a ball moves through the Vanishing Cabinet with the ball. Once reaching their new place on the…

Arbitrary Apparition

A random move that apparates three characters to different locations on the playing field. The team using the move selects three characters; these may be three characters from their own team, three characters from the opposing team, or a combination of the two (the Seeker may not be apparated). For each character, 1d12+4 and 1d8…

Blizzard Beater

A wild attack from a Beater who summons a storm of Bludgers from the sky. The attacking Beater rolls 1d10 and doubles any accuracy perk they may have as an attack against each defending character who has not been beat yet this turn. The defending characters roll 1d10 each and add any agility perk. This…

Divine Defender

An iron defense move where any single character is blessed with a mystical armour for 3 rounds. Any tackles or beats made against this character must roll 1d10 twice and use the lower roll when determining whether the beat or tackle is successful. In addition, this character cannot be opportunity tackled or opportunity beat while…

Dodgy Bastard

An agility boosting move that benefits 2 characters for 3 rounds. During these rounds, these characters receive a +2 agility boost on top of any existing modifier. In addition, when an opposing character steps in a space adjacent to one of these characters, they may move 1 space for free. This does not stack -…

Hail Mary

A long-distance pass or shot that can be made from any straight line away from the opponents’ hoops. The character shooting or passing rolls 1d20 and doubles any accuracy perk they may have. For any opposing characters along the target line, the defending team adds based on the position of those characters (similar to a…

Sacrificial Surge

A modifier boosting move that affects all team members for one round but hinders them on the following round. During the round that the move is used, all modifiers are doubled (positive and negative) – if a character does not have any modifiers assigned, they receive a +2 to every stat for the duration of…

*Z-Moves cannot be used during the sudden death speed round (if the game goes into overtime).

Expansion Rules